Remote working has experienced quite a lot of growth over the past few years. According to data, just under a third of professionals work from home across the globe. While this brings with it lots of positives, there are also a few challenges involved.

One of the main challenges of such working arrangements is collaboration. Remote collaboration can often be less effective than its traditional counterpart. But, with a bit of planning, it doesn’t need to be.

In this article, we’ll explore how you can improve your company’s remote collaboration efforts. We’ll be using a tool that you likely already use to boost your business’s productivity: time tracking software.

What is a time tracker?

If you don’t use a time tracker for your team, you’re missing out on a number of advantages. Time tracking software is pretty self-explanatory, as it helps you track time. But, many high-quality examples, like WebWork, also offer a plethora of productivity-boosting features. These include everything from various forms of employee monitoring and reporting to automated invoicing and payroll systems. Many teams across the world use time trackers to streamline their operations in lots of ways.

One way that a time tracker can assist your business is by assisting with remote collaboration. But, you may be wondering why this is important in the first place. Let’s explore how remote collaboration can help your business.

Why is remote collaboration important?

Collaboration in teams is always important, regardless of the type of the team. This is because of the plentiful benefits offered by collaborative work environments.

Employee engagement

An important way remote collaboration can be beneficial for your team is with employee engagement. A collaborative work environment can enable your team members to feel more connected with their work. It can give them a greater sense of purpose, which is a key point in improving employee engagement. Increased workplace engagement will then help your business in talent retention, improved productivity, and more.


By working together closely, your team members can help each other in lots of ways. They can provide feedback, helping their coworkers improve and grow. This will then affect your company’s productivity positively, allowing your employees to complete their tasks on time.

Idea generation

One of the most unique ways remote collaboration can help your business is idea generation. During collaborative work, your team members can exchange ideas for how to reach their long-term goals more effectively. This can allow your company to expand its portfolio of products or improve its existing offerings.

Work quality

Speaking of improving products, a collaborative environment can improve the quality of your business’s output. All of the aforementioned points contribute to this, helping your company stand out. High-quality products will then enable your organization to speed up its growth as well.

A blurry photo of a laptop displaying a form of remote collaboration, an online meeting

Improving remote collaboration with a time tracker

Time tracking software can help your team’s remote collaboration efforts in a few ways. To start, we’ll explore the most direct one: by freeing up time for your employees to collaborate.

Freeing up time for collaboration

As mentioned before, time trackers help professionals keep track of their work hours. This will allow you to enhance time management for your team, which will then help your employees complete their tasks quickly. If they can complete their tasks sooner, your team members will have more time left for remote collaboration. This will especially benefit your company’s meetings, enabling you to hold more of them. Meetings can help your employees stay up-to-date with your long-term goals.

Get the most from meetings

Meetings can be quite important to ensure all members are aligned with the team’s long-term goals. As mentioned earlier, this is a vital part of maintaining employee engagement. By using a time tracker and its productivity tools, you can make your meetings more effective. You can do this by scheduling your meetings to provide enough time for your employees to have discussions. You may also manage time during the meeting itself to ensure you don’t allocate too much time to something that may not be that important. All of this will help your team plan further ahead to speed up growth.

Help employees complete tasks on time

Time trackers can assist in your remote collaboration efforts by helping your team complete their tasks on time. This is especially important if your company has a collaborative environment. In this case, one person being behind schedule can lead to a downward spiral of overdue tasks and missed opportunities.

How else can a time tracker help business growth?

Time tracking software is a powerful tool that is used to speed up growth by lots of companies. Before reaching our conclusion, let’s briefly cover some additional benefits of time trackers.

Save resources

Time tracking software can help you optimize your business spending in many ways. As mentioned earlier, you can use it to improve employee engagement. Employee engagement through time tracking will result in a reduction in turnover, which can save your company money. After all, looking for and hiring new talent is expensive. Keeping around existing employees, especially high-performing ones, is much more optimal.

Automate payroll

If your company employs lots of freelance workers, payroll can be a time-consuming task for you. Time trackers can assist your business in this by simplifying the process of calculating payroll hours. You will be able to use the tracked time data of your hourly employees to know how much they’ve earned. High-quality trackers like WebWork can help further by automatically calculating earned amounts and letting you export this data in several formats or pay directly.


Time trackers are widespread productivity tools that are used by lots of teams worldwide. They help companies grow in many ways. One of these ways is by helping teams facilitate effective remote collaboration. By working together closely, professionals can perform better and deliver higher-quality results. This will then help you speed up the growth of your company.

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Remote Work, Time Tracking,