Employee productivity plays a major role in the growth of a business. After all, productive employees create more and higher-quality products. This drives growth and helps companies stand out from the competition. But, measuring the productivity of a team can be tricky.

In this article, we’ll take a look at a few of the most important employee productivity metrics you should pay attention to. These metrics can help you get the most from your team, speeding up growth for your company.

What are employee productivity metrics?

Employee productivity metrics are pretty self-explanatory. They are often called key performance indicators or KPIs, and they simply show how well each professional is doing their work in a team. These metrics can take a variety of forms and influence lots of things in a business. One of their most important effects relates to the growth rate of companies. If you track several key productivity metrics, you’ll be able to make sure that your business keeps growing.

The most important employee productivity metrics for business growth

Let’s now explore a few key productivity metrics for business growth, starting with activity levels.

Employee activity

Activity levels play a major role in monitoring the productivity of teams. After all, if your employees aren’t active, they’re probably not productive either. But, it’s important to keep in mind that productivity targets aren’t going to be the same for different teams. For example, the keyboard usage statistics for a writer and a graphic designer will be quite different. Because of this, you should use productivity monitoring software that allows you to define activity ranges. As an example, you can change what activity ranges show low, medium, or high productivity in WebWork. We’ll cover how to measure employee productivity metrics a bit more in-depth later in this article.

Employee turnover

At first glance, it doesn’t seem like employee turnover can help you measure employee productivity. But, a high turnover rate can be a sign of an underlying issue at your business. A major example of such a problem is a low employee engagement rate, which usually goes hand-in-hand with low productivity. You should track the turnover rate of your organization and take steps to improve employee engagement. This will ensure a healthy growth momentum for your business over the long-term future.


Attendance is closely tied to our last point of discussion. If your team’s not engaged with their work, they’ll have less motivation to come to the office. This will also affect their punctuality, which can be used as another employee productivity metric. Besides working on employee engagement, you should be able to improve this with workplace flexibility. If you offer flexible working schedules to your employees, it will be easier for them to get started when they’re feeling the most productive.

Revenue per employee

Determining how much revenue your business generates per staff member is an excellent employee productivity metric. This should be pretty straightforward to do in most cases. You should simply divide your company’s revenue in a given period by the number of your team members. This can be a bit trickier if you employ lots of freelance professionals. In this case, you must calculate payroll hours first, which will require more effort.

A laptop computer showing various charts that could be used to monitor employee productivity metrics.

Employee work-life balance

A poor work-life balance can indicate several problems in terms of productivity. If your team members aren’t performing well, they may need to work longer to complete their tasks. At the same time, a poor balance may also be a sign that you need to hire more talent. Regardless, a healthy work-life balance can drive business growth in lots of ways. Because of this, it is important to ensure your team members can complete their tasks on time and aren’t overworked.

Task completion rate

Closely tied to our last point, this is another major employee productivity metric. Tracking how many tasks your team members complete in a set period can help you understand how productive they are. But, it is important to do this right. Measuring employee productivity metrics with tasks requires consistency. If your team’s tasks vary greatly day-to-day, you might not get accurate productivity data.

Number of sales

Tracking the number of sales is another easy way to monitor productivity. It can be especially useful for tracking the productivity of your sales team. But, it can also give you an idea of your company’s overall performance. After all, if your business isn’t offering competitive products, you won’t be making a healthy amount of sales.

How to measure employee productivity metrics?

Tracking key employee productivity metrics is important to grow a business. But, the first step to doing this is measuring these metrics. There are many ways to do this. Which one will be the most effective for your team will depend on lots of factors. But, one method that will work for the majority of businesses out there involves time tracking software.

Tracking employee productivity with a time tracker

Time tracking software plays a major role in boosting productivity in lots of businesses worldwide. Besides tracking time, you can also use such solutions to monitor lots of things in your company. This includes many employee productivity metrics, including those we discussed in this article. You will need a high-quality tracker that has lots of reporting functionality. An example of this is WebWork, which has over a dozen detailed reports that can help you grow your organization.

Concluding thoughts

Productivity plays a major role in the success of any business. This makes it important to measure key employee productivity metrics, which can help your company speed up its growth. There are lots of ways to do this, such as by using a time tracker. Whichever method you choose, monitoring such employee productivity metrics can enable your business to maintain its growth momentum in the long run.