Remote and hybrid working arrangements continue gaining popularity worldwide. According to projections, 22% of American employees will work from home by 2025. This is increasing the importance of digital workplace solutions that help leaders manage their companies to the fullest.

Digital workplace solutions can take lots of forms. A popular example of this is time trackers, which can help businesses in many ways. These apps help managers boost employee productivity and enable companies to speed up growth. 

In this article, we’ll explore how you can use time tracking software as a digital management solution. We’ll look at how it can help businesses grow and how you can take advantage of its benefits for your team.

What are digital workplace solutions and what are they used for?

Before you can use a digital workplace solution, it is important to understand what it is. Put simply, these are tools used to improve remote and hybrid working arrangements. Their main purpose is to manage such teams and avoid the downsides of out-of-office working. This is done in several ways, including by streamlining remote workplace management. Let’s now explore how they help with remote team management more in-depth.

Streamlining remote workplace management

Helping leaders manage remote teams is one of the key use cases for digital workplace solutions. Leading a team of remote professionals can be quite challenging. It involves tracking lots of data, including employee productivity metrics and overall company performance. Remote workplace solutions can streamline these processes with automation. This will help managers save time and complete their responsibilities more effectively.

Boosting the productivity of remote teams

Another important thing digital workplace solutions help with is boosting productivity. Remote working arrangements can present challenges in terms of productivity that can be difficult to overcome. A popular cause of this is distractions, which can prevent remote professionals from performing their best. Remote workplace solutions can be set up to detect distractions. They can even remind employees to not spend time on unproductive apps.

Ensuring a healthy work-life balance

Employee work-life balance is very important for businesses. Tying in with our previous point, a healthy balance is vital for maintaining productivity in the long run. While overworked professionals may perform better in the short term, this will change quickly due to burnout. By using a digital workplace solution, you can avoid this in your team. Ensuring a healthy balance between work and personal time will also help your business attract higher-quality talent. Consequently, you’ll be able to increase the quality of your products and maintain high standards in the long term.

Maintaining work quality in the long run

Remote workplace solutions can help you improve productivity both in the short term and the long term. All the points we discussed above contribute to this, enabling these tools to maintain output quality. Higher-quality products will then help your business stand out from its competitors. In turn, you’ll be able to speed up your company’s growth and set it on a healthy growth path.

A person working on a laptop with digital workplace solutions.

Using time trackers as digital workplace solutions

Using time trackers as digital workplace solutions can be quite easy. Most high-quality trackers offer all of the features you’d need to monitor and enhance your team’s productivity. Let’s now explore how to use time tracking software like WebWork for this purpose.

Track remote work hours

After obtaining a time tracker, the first thing you should do is start tracking time. After all, it’s in the name of time tracking software. This will give you lots of benefits, with the key one being simplified management of your employees’ time. You can use tracked time data to identify top performers and reward their efforts. You will also help your struggling team members avoid distractions and boost their productivity.

Manage time and tasks

Time management for teams plays a major role in productivity. It can help professionals prioritize tasks correctly to complete urgent ones on time. This will help your employees avoid stressful situations, which can result in many negative side effects. Managing your team’s tasks with a time tracker can also help them break down larger tasks into smaller ones. This will speed up progress as larger tasks can sometimes be daunting to get started.

Monitor working schedules

Tracking the work hours of your staff is also helpful for maintaining a healthy work-life balance. This is especially important if you offer flexible working schedules at your company, which can blur the lines between personal and work time. As discussed earlier, a healthy balance between the two is vital for ensuring productivity over the long run. Of course, time tracking software is perfect for this purpose. Higher-quality examples like WebWork even allow you to create and schedule shifts for your team. This will make it easier for you to offer the benefit at your company while avoiding its downsides.

Maintain quality with productivity and activity tracking

Besides tracking time, you can monitor lots of other data with time-tracking software. This includes activity levels and productivity, which can be vital in ensuring the quality of your offerings. Software like WebWork tracks employee productivity by monitoring what apps and websites they spend time on. You’re able to set certain ones as either productive, neutral, or non-productive, which will then help you determine productivity levels in your organization.

How to select the right time tracker to use as a digital workplace solution?

At this point, you might be wondering which time tracking software is the best for your team. Let’s take a look at a few key points you should pay attention to when choosing a tracker.

1. Features

To use a time tracker as a digital workplace solution, the most important thing to look for is features. A simple time tracking app that doesn’t offer lots of monitoring functionality won’t be able to fulfill this role. Specifically, you should look for trackers that can track employee productivity, help with task management, and detect distractions. Using an app with more features should provide you with even better results.

2. Scalability

Scalability is important to ensure your business can take advantage of the benefits of time tracking as it grows. Most high-quality time trackers don’t have any limitations in terms of how many employees your organization can have. This usually also applies to how many projects and tasks your team can be working on at once. But, it can still be beneficial to ensure such limitations don’t exist before purchasing a time tracker.

3. Integrations

Third-party integrations can be quite useful if your company uses lots of productivity tools. Integrating your time tracker with such software can further simplify your management efforts. As an example, you’re able to integrate WebWork with Slack to receive automated holiday notifications.

Closing thoughts

You should use high-quality time trackers as digital workplace solutions to benefit your business in many ways. By monitoring lots of your company’s productivity data, you’ll have the ability to optimize your processes. This includes managing time more effectively and helping staff avoid distractions. As a result, your organization will speed up its growth and stand out from the competition.

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Business Tools, Time Tracking,