During the working day, people always have difficulty concentrating on their work, organizing their tasks, and managing deadlines. This leads to being non-organized, and non-focused. That is why a time tracker can be considered the most helpful tool for employees. The purpose of it is to boost productivity and reflect the way employees work. It helps them understand their working process, and attitude and make a positive impact. There are plenty of time tracking software now from which the top 5 are: WebWork Time Tracker, Apploye, Traqq, TimeCamp, and Time Doctor.  

WebWork Time Tracker

WebWork dashboard


WebWork Time Tracker  is a time tracking, task management system and employee monitoring software for companies and remote teams with the following features: 

   Companies and individuals may use the product in order to monitor their work and have a clear picture of their time spent on each task. There are several advantages that WebWork brings to users both when it comes to individuals and companies:

User Focus and Productivity

  Individuals often get distracted and individuals tend to draw their attention to things that are not so much related to work or are not that relevant. The product helps individuals to schedule tasks and be focused on the important tasks that will impact the overall performance of an employee. Setting deadlines is beneficial in terms of having a clear focus and understanding of the task list and sticking to the first-place activities. Due to WebWork time tracking software, individuals will be more focused and productive and will dedicate enough time and effort to essential tasks. 

Companies’ Management of Employees’ Work 

   Companies also benefit from the product, as they can easily monitor employees’ work and make sure that they do a fair amount of work and focus on essential tasks. Having someone track employee work will create positive changes in the work environment. By taking screenshots, WebWork Time Tracker controls the working process and offers detailed and timely reports. When supervisors evaluate the overall performance of employees, they let them get a deeper insight into employees’ strengths and weaknesses. This is a good path for employees, as they have an opportunity to show productivity and prosperity in their work by focusing on critical feedback from their supervisors. This way, employees will be aware of their skills and improve the weak areas of their working path.


Apploye Time Tracker with Screenshots


Apploye is another time-tracking software that also makes employees’ lives easier. There are several key benefits that Apploye brings to its users:

Tracking the Amount Spent on Assigned Tasks

     During task tracking, supervisors can review employees’ usage of a set time. This impacts the insights of businesses by allowing the business owners to set time wisely. 

Effective Billing System 

    Many companies use fixed fee or billable hours for paying their clients. Accurate payments indeed build trust between companies and clients. In addition, it is also beneficial for budgeting in terms of managing time and money spent on a certain project. 

Apploye for Remote Workers

    The tracking tool enables businesses to evaluate employees’ work performance. It takes screenshots within a 10 minutes interval, and the efficiency is based on mouse clicks and keystrokes. This leads to managers’ awareness of success based on activity levels.


Traqq Activity Description

Traqq is time-tracking software for remote and on-site teams. Here are several benefits that users receive while using this app:

Flexible Tracking Settings 

     Companies themselves can choose the way they monitor their employees’ work time, for instance, they can decide to track work hours or enable screenshots, or short video recordings for better tracking.    

Blurred Screenshots 

     Both video recordings and screenshots taken by Traqq will be blurred in order to keep the privacy of messages and passwords. Traqq allows users to evaluate and remove screenshots as well as the monitored time attached to them. 

Right to Choose the Tracker Whenever Employees Want 

     With the help of one click, it is up to employees to choose the work and break time.  


TimeCamp: timesheets


TimeCamp is another tracking software that allows both companies and employees to track their working time. Here are several advantages that TimeCamp brings: 

Automatic Attendance Tracking

        TimeCamp enables both companies and employees to track their attendance automatically. It includes sick days, vacation leaves, etc. 

Establish the Efficiency of Projects Based on Reports’ Analysis

    Companies review the data to review the tasks and projects to make sure that employees are on the right track. 


      TimeCamp helps its users to be focused on work by setting automatic approvals and reminders. In addition, if companies notice that something is wrong with a certain project, they can leave feedback with a comment on the employee timesheet. 

Time Doctor

Time Doctor: dashboard


Time Doctor creates a better and more effective work environment for managers, organizations, and employees. Here are several better solutions:

Real-Time Tracking

     After employees have finished working, it’s difficult to remember accurately how much time they spent on which tasks. With Time Doctor, time is tracked while working. 


    Users often forget to start the tracking time while visiting websites that are not related to work. Time Doctor solves this problem by resending reminders to its users to track their time. 

Real Work Proof

     Time Doctor has several strategies to make sure that the tracked time is real work. These strategies include screenshots taken at regular intervals, levels of keyboard and mouse activity, and which websites and applications are used. 


     Time-tracking software helps employees choose an accurate, organized, and effective working plan based on different available features. Both companies and individuals benefit from the software. Besides the professional side of time tracking, it also contributes to the well-being of a person. Moreover, these software help people stay organized and focused. 

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