Managing projects can be a hassle. That’s why we’ve been hard at work enhancing our project management system. After lots of development, we’re proud to announce Project Budgeting and Project Grouping.

What is Project Budgeting?

Project Budgeting helps you manage the budgets of your projects. To start using it, you must first set hourly rates either for your workspace members or projects. Then, you must set a budget estimation for projects you want to track the budgets of. Simply go to Projects > Projects, click the three-dot icon next to the one you want to edit, and click Edit Details.

After setting this up, WebWork will track how the estimated budget of each project is spent and ensure projects don’t go over budget. 

The Project Budgeting report lets you check what portion of your project’s budget your workspace members have already spent and how much is remaining. You can also get a quick glimpse into which projects are under or over budget with Budget Statuses.

Project Budgeting views

The Project Budgeting report offers three views: Datagrid, Project Overview, and Summary

  • The Datagrid view lets you see key budgeting data for all of your projects in a simple table. 
  • The Project Overview displays more in-depth data for one project at a time in several graphs. 
  • The Summary view combines data about all projects in your workspace and gives you summarized information

View budgeting data in charts

In the Datagrid view, you can organize data in charts to get a clearer view of the information that matters to you. Simply select the data you need, right-click on it, and click Chart Range > the type of chart you want to use. You will then be able to modify all details of your new chart to compare data with ease.

Once you’re happy with your chart, you can export and share it with anyone. Simply close the sidebar menu in the chart window and click the download icon in the top-right of the chart.

📌Learn more about Project Budgeting in our Help Center.

The Project Budgeting page in the WebWork dashboard

What is Project Grouping?

Project Grouping allows you to organize your projects and keep track of them effortlessly. This new feature is perfect for businesses that work on many small projects at once. 

You can even use Project Groups to organize the projects of different divisions within your company. For example, your marketing, administration, HR, and development teams can have their own project groups.

Why manage projects in WebWork?

Organization is an important part of achieving success. WebWork’s project management features do exactly this: they help you ensure tasks are completed on time, and now, within budget

Staying organized will enable your team to perform their best in the long run.

What to look forward to next?

We continue developing the time tracker to be the best productivity tool for your team. We’re always working on something exciting, so stay tuned for new features (did someone say AI? 👀) coming to your workspace soon!

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