The Best Time Tracker for Mac

Download the time tracker for Mac and take your productivity to the next level. Track time in tasks and monitor app and website usage with WebWork.

Download the time tracker for Mac to monitor tasks, apps, and website usage

How to Install the Best Time Tracker for Mac

Download the Mac time tracker, locate it in your downloads, and launch it.

Download and Launch the Mac Time Tracker Easily

Follow the on-screen instructions to install WebWork.

Follow the on-screen instructions to install the Mac time tracker

How to Get the Most from the Best Mac Time Tracking Software

To get the most from WebWork Desktop App, you must give it access to the following categories in settings Mac settings:

Track activity levels on Mac with mouse and keyboard usage frequencys


For tracking activity levels through mouse and keyboard usage frequency.

Take periodic screenshots with the Mac time tracker at your chosen frequency

Screen Recording

For taking periodic screenshots at your set frequency.

Track app and website usage with the Mac time tracker for automated insights


For tracking app and website usage along with URLs.

To learn more about Mac permissions, visit our

Help Center

Time Tracking Across Other Platforms

Besides macOS PCs, WebWork is available on other devices across different platforms and operating systems. This makes the app a perfect fit for your team—regardless of how they work.

Rastreador de tempo para desktop

Monitore o tempo da sua equipe, o uso de aplicativos e sites, os níveis de atividade e muito mais no desktop. O WebWork é compatível com Windows, macOS e Linux.

Ir para o rastreador de tempo no desktop
Software de rastreamento de tempo disponível em vários dispositivos e plataformas

Rastreador de tempo móvel

Permita que sua equipe registre o tempo em qualquer lugar e acompanhe a localização por GPS com o aplicativo móvel. O WebWork é compatível com Android e iOS.

Ir para o rastreador de tempo móvel
Aplicativo móvel para rastreamento de tempo e monitoramento por GPS no Android e iOS

Rastreador de tempo na web

Registre o tempo diretamente no navegador. Use recursos como gerenciamento de tarefas, faturamento e muito mais no painel do WebWork.

Ir para o rastreador de tempo na web
Rastreador de tempo na web com gerenciamento de tarefas e faturamento

Extensão Chrome para rastreamento de tempo

Registre o tempo diretamente no Google Chrome com nossa extensão de rastreamento de tempo.

Ir para a extensão Chrome de rastreamento de tempo
Registre o tempo diretamente no Google Chrome com a extensão

Um Líder Premiado em Monitoramento de Funcionários

WebWork Time Tracker destacado na Lista Selecionada da Capterra 2024 para Monitoramento de Funcionários

Features of the Best Time Tracker for Mac OS

Track time and do much more with the best Mac time tracking software. Manage projects, tasks, holidays, and much more—both for yourself and your team.

Screenshot Tracking

Get detailed insights into your workflows with periodic screenshots. WebWork can take up to 10 captures in a 10-minute interval. You can even enable blurred screenshots for privacy, and background screenshots to avoid distractions.

Go to Screenshot Tracking

Task Management

Manage tasks in your team with ease in the same place you track time. Add key details like assignees, priority levels, and due dates to prioritize work ahead of time.

Go to Task Management

App and Website Usage

Keep track of what apps and websites you and your team use at work with app and website usage reports. Set different platforms as productive, neutral, or non-productive and get quick insights into productivity levels.

Go to App and Website Usage

Activity Tracking

Monitor activity levels and get detailed insights into your work processes in different situations. WebWork will record your mouse, keyboard, and scroll wheel usage and report your activity as a percentage.

Go to Activity Level Tracking
Explorar todos os recursos

Our Customers Love WebWork

Tom L., Software Engineering Manager

"Perfect time tracker for our Mac-loving team!

I finally found the perfect time tracker for my team, and Mac users that we are! WebWork integrates with macOS seamlessly unlike many other trackers we’ve tried using in the past and delivers stellar results through time tracking in real time, reports, timesheets, and many more valuable functionalities."

Syed M., Founder

"A must have for remote employees

Great flexibility. Running a remote agency yet still having full control. Love it and can't stop using it. I have all my employees information in one dashboard"


Instalei o rastreador no Mac, mas ele só captura o fundo, não as janelas abertas. Como corrigir isso?

Para que o rastreador capture sua tela e janelas ativas no macOS, é necessário conceder acesso nas configurações do seu computador. (Abra as preferências do sistema > Acessibilidade, Gravação de Tela, Automação)

Quais recursos este rastreador de tempo para macOS oferece?

O WebWork Time Tracker para macOS oferece rastreamento de tempo automatizado em tempo real, monitoramento de produtividade dos funcionários, rastreamento de uso de aplicativos e sites, folhas de ponto, folha de pagamento, gerenciamento de tarefas e muito mais. Ver todos os recursos

O WebWork tem um rastreador de tempo móvel para usuários de Mac?

Sim. Você pode obter o rastreador de tempo móvel WebWork para iOS na App Store.

Get Started with the Best Time Tracker for Mac Today!

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