Why You Should Track Time Spent on Tasks
Let’s start off with the basics: why should you track time spent on tasks anyway? The reasons are simple: it can improve your team’s
productivity and performance
Improved productivity
Tracking your staff’s time is the first step to improving their productivity. By monitoring where their time goes, you can help your employees work more effectively.
Learn How to Boost Productivity with Time Tracking
Increased revenue
Time tracking software will also help your company increase its revenue. This is tied directly with improved productivity, as more productive employees will produce more and higher-quality work.
Learn How to Increase Revenue with Time Tracking
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Choosing the Right App to Track Time
The first step to tracking time at work is choosing the right time tracker for your team. This can be challenging due to the high number of time tracking apps available on the market. However,
an excellent way of testing them out is to take advantage of their free trials—like WebWork’s 14-day free trial. During this period, you can use all of the app’s features for free, without entering any payment info.
Experience the Best Time Tracker for Your Team
Experience why WebWork is the best app to track time in your business with a personalized walkthrough. Book a demo and allow our specialists to show you around the tracker today.
How to Track Work Time Accurately with WebWork: Step-by-Step
Having explored the basics of time tracking, let’s now go over the steps to track time spent on tasks with WebWork.
Create an Account and Set Up Your Workspace
The first step to tracking time with WebWork is to create an account. Simply
sign up with an email or using your Google account. After this, you can create your company’s workspace and set it up the way you see fit.
Set key details like your timezone, work schedules, and more. You can also disable any of the tracker’s features that you don’t need in your account’s settings.
Invite Your Team and Set Up Their Trackers
After establishing your workspace, you can start inviting your team members to it. Make sure that your staff create their accounts only by following your invite links.
Otherwise, they will create their own workspaces instead of joining your company’s.
Finally, the last step before your team can track time for productivity is setting up their trackers. If you don’t plan on using any of WebWork’s
advanced productivity features, you can use our web or browser extension trackers. If your staff need to track time on the go, they can use our mobile apps.
However, if you want to take full advantage of WebWork, your team should install our Desktop Time Tracker on their work computers.
Start Tracking Time and Managing Your Work
At this point, you should be ready to track employee hours at work. Your staff will simply need to turn on their trackers when they start working.
You’ll also be able to manage your team’s work through our catalog of management features in your WebWork Dashboard.
Track Time for Productivity on any Device
With WebWork, you can track time and attendance and boost your team’s productivity across a wide variety of devices. WebWork Time Tracker is available across different platforms and operating systems.
These include:
WebWork Features to Track Time and Attendance More Effectively
Track time and attendance at your business more effectively with WebWork’s productivity and management functionality.
Here’s a small selection of features that will help your staff perform their best.
Task Management
Manage your company’s tasks and help your staff stay organized at work with WebWork’s task management. Set key details like priorities and due dates directly in the tracker.
Go to Task Management
Project Budgeting
Manage your company’s project spending and ensure you don’t overspend with Project Budgeting. Set budget estimates and see how much of your budget remains at any time.
Go to Project Budgeting
Manage your company’s payroll more accurately than ever using your team’s tracked data in WebWork. Set hourly rates for your members, projects, or individual contracts to get started.
Go to Payroll Tracking
Work-Life Balance Tracking
Make sure your staff can stay productive in the long run with WebWork. The app will assign one of three labels to your staff using their tracked data: healthy, overworked, and underworked.
Go to Work-Life Balance Tracking